Detroit Red Wings
From Red Wings Fan to Writing about the Red Wings

I was in first grade when we moved from Michigan to Illinois, and to say I was disappointed was an understatement. Not only did we leave our extended family and friends behind, but I lost access to what soothed my young soul: the Detroit Tigers and Red Wings.
But I can confidently say that without moving to Chicago, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with hockey like I did.
A Red Wings Fan in the Windy City
The first hockey game I ever attended was at the old Chicago Stadium, hardly a place of refuge. Even though I was in fifth grade and my brother was in second, we were harshly introduced to Chicago fandom. The Red Wings held a 2-1 lead, but Igor Kravchuk scored his first career goal and it held as the game winner. I was serenaded to Detroit Sucks! chants along with the quite clever Eeee Shoots. Eeeee Gors!  In spite of the outcome, I was hooked. My love for the Red Wings and the sport of hockey was secured in enemy territory.
As I escaped strict bed times and ESPN added the “Deuce” when I was in seventh grade, hockey was far more accessible. I would mine the Chicago Tribune for any story about Detroit. I lived and died with the brief clips of my teams on SportsCenter. And whenever the Red Wings played Chicago, it was can’t miss TV.
On clear nights, we could bring in WJR, which was like a bonus gift under the Christmas tree. Returning home to Michigan to see family was my chance to sponge up local coverage and CBC. My grandmother would leave the Detroit Free Press and News sports sections on my chair. She would also clip articles of my favorites and send them in the mail. And she stubbornly called my hockey hero Why-zer-man instead of Yzerman–no matter how many times I corrected her.
A New Path
My career path started with studying teaching and ended with me graduating with a degree in Mass Communication. I was lucky enough to write a book, and then worked in finance before education came calling again. I freelanced through it all and starting last January, wrote and served as a co-editor for the website Octopus Thrower.
Then I was offered the chance of a lifetime.
As I embark on the opportunity here at Detroit Hockey Now, I’m able to be a sponge again, this time with two of the best writers in the business. My fandom takes a back seat to reporting these days, something that kid listening to WJR on a clear night could only dream of. After Steve Yzerman, Darren McCarty was one of my favorite Red Wings. He played fearlessly, and hard nosed; two attributes that were often rewarded. I’d like to believe it’s how I write.
I’m humbled by this opportunity and I not only want to do right by Kevin and Bob, but also by all of the readers of Detroit Hockey Now. I’ll take the same hard nosed approach to writing that McCarty took on the ice. I like finding unique angles and improving my craft.
Yes, I was disappointed as a kid to move away from home. But the lessons learned during that time have led me to exactly where I’m supposed to be.